Tuesday, January 27, 2015


It’s been over a week since Southwest Leather Conference, and I’m still processing. It is the “woo” conference, where kinky folk get their spiritual geek on. And boy did I get mine on.

The presence of Fakir Musafar and Cleo Dubois clinched the conference for me. Sitting in their presentation on Leather History from their perspective was amazing. Hearing all the names, knowing I’ve met a few of the originals, feeling a sense of connectedness. It all made sense. Considering I was kinky back in the ‘80s, but also identified as a lesbian, but being in Art School, I had learned about Fakir’s work and followed him because of his photography. I believe that he invented the “Selfie.” Setting up his camera to get the right picture of experiments on his body, when he was 12, back in the 1940’s. There might be other photographers that were taking self-portraits, but not of this caliber.
I sat in a couple of Elwood’s classes. Hook Suspension, and Health and Safety. Just being around him is amazing. And Fun!
And I need to back up to the opening ritual of the conference. The theme this year was Grounded. And Druid Kirk called the Earth and passed stones. We had a similar ritual before opening the Dance of Souls, both Cleo and Fakir sharing their awesome magic with us. And I felt grounded all weekend.
I also made a connection with a young one. It’s going to be a growing relationship. Ash is close to another acquaintance of mine, and I hope to get to know him better over the years.
We saw so many old friends. The man who started it all was there. Several heavy hitters (no pun), as well, one only stayed for the first day for a meeting, and others were around all weekend.
I need to figure out how to come down from this, or how to stay on the new energized plane and interact with the rest of the world. I’m still flying from the Dance of Souls, and I’m meditating almost every morning, I’m re-connecting with other recovering alcoholics and providing a service on fetlife. I might be “teaching” someone. And I’m finally stepping into a certain kind of magic that I’ve side stepped over the years. My consciousness has been raised another notch, and I am now practicing interconnectedness. This is a very interesting lesson/energy to be working with.
I sat down to write all these thoughts rolling around in my brain and now they won’t make sense. I want to write sage words of the things I’ve discovered about myself in the last week, and I can’t force the keyboard or my brain to cooperate. I guess I’m still percolating.
The point is I miss this very raw, real, don’t edit it writing that we used to experience in the early days of blogging before blogging became a job and about how many advertising dollars you can earn. I miss my little website slaveboy where I could rant and rave, and write “scene reports” (remember those) and post pictures up of my art and some scenes that happened. Along came Fetlife but I really don’t want to write raw and publish it there. It just seems the wrong venue.And there are some folks there who I don't want to read my stuff. They might discover it here, cool if they do, but actually putting in an easy place for them to find it, nope.
So I’m back to posting here on blogger. Good ol’ google. It was good enough for me for a while then I left, but now I’m back. And it’s here that I’ll rant, rave, write about Leather and Spirituality and getting hooks put in my body.
One of the things that came out of the weekend is I am attending a weekend with Edgewalkers, a group of kinky folk who work with spirituality and altered states. Suggested by the founders of SWLC, and perpetrated by those mentioned above, I will attend, and be suspended by hooks in my flesh, in order to achieve an altered state. Who needs drugs? There will be many other things happening that weekend, but this is one of my goals. I hope to meet it, and I hope to write about it here.
Where else can you talk about doing really extreme things?
I’ve danced at a hook pull for many years, I’ve had hooks put in me on several occasions, this last time it was bells, Kali, and two needles in the back of my neck that sent me spinning out. I’ve been in the spiral dance ever since. I’m going to Sedona next week to play with the vortex energy, then who knows after that. Also, I need to make some art. And I’ve made my first piece of jewelry, ever. Braided hemp cord with a magnetic closure that has one of my hooks and Kali hanging from the cord. It’s awesome.
Things are changing for me, and I hope soon for the better. There are several things about life that are uncertain right now. One of them being finances. We have to get creative about that. The other is my physical being, but I’m working on getting that healed.
I dumped a lot of money into a business that isn’t attracting business, but these days one has to work the social media in order to get the readership and the business. And I took a little vacation. So, I guess it’s back to it, and more writing, and more writing. It seems I can write for a couple months, then need to take a break. But I need to at least post one thing up a week…missed last week.
Done writing for now. We’ll see what comes out next time.

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